J. Jake Nichol
University of New Mexico & Sandia National Laboratories

I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of New Mexico and year-round intern at Sandia National Laboratories. My research is on causal analysis methods for complex spatio-temporal systems, such as the climate and Earth system models. Specifically, I have developed Causal Space-Time Stencil Learning (CaStLe), a causal discovery algorith that can recover local causal structures in spatiotemporal data. My Ph.D. advisor is Dr. Melanie Moses and I am mentored by Dr. Matthew Fricke, Dr. Michael Weylandt, and Dr. Matt Peterson.
Currently, my research is funded by Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Lab Driven Research & Development (LDRD) Grand Challenge CLDERA: CLimate impact: Determining Etiology thRough pAthways (PI: Diana Bull) to develop tools for identifying etiological pathways in the climate. I work under Dr. Laura Swiler on the Attribution team of CLDERA. For more information, click here.